White Shirt Day

White Shirt Day marks the end of a union strike by employees of General Motors in 1937. Commemorate their fight for fairer working conditions by wearing a white shirt!
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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/white-shirt-day/

a paper in a typewriter
Tell The Truth Day
"Tell The Truth Day" on July 7 is a day dedicated to honesty and transparency. It encourages individuals to embrace truthfulness in their interactions and relationships. This day serves as a reminder of the importance of integrity and authenticity in communication. Whether it's admitting a mistake, sharing a difficult truth, or simply speaking honestly, "Tell The Truth Day" encourages everyone to strive for genuine and open communication. Join us on July 7 in celebrating the power of truthfulness and the positive impact it can have on our lives and the world around us.
No Dirty Dishes Day
When: Always on May 18th No Dirty Dishes Day is a reprieve from the daily pile of dishes to wash and dry. Day after day, we do the daily chore of washing and drying dishes, then put them away in various cabinets and drawers. We perform this task after each and every meal, and often […]
Kazoo Day
Date When Celebrated: Always January 28th People young and old love Kazoos. Kazoo Day celebrates the the joy of this musical instrument. Alabama Vest of Macon Georgia made the first Kazoo in the 1840's. Actually, he conceived the Kazoo, and had Thaddeus Von Clegg, a German clockmaster make it to his specifications.  Commercial production of […]
brown cattle on open field
Cow Day
Cow Day - June 18 Honoring the humble and hardworking cow! Facts About Cow Day June 18 is Cow Day, a day to celebrate and appreciate cows and their contributions to agriculture, food production, and culture. Cows play a vital role in many societies, and Cow Day is a time to recognize their importance. The […]