If you have an idea, don't tell anyone, today everyone is trying to invent something
Hobbit Day
September 22nd is the Birthday of Bilbo and Frodo Baggins, two characters from J.R.R. Tolkien’s popular Middle Earth Cycle books (The Hobbit and Lord Of The Rings respectively) in which Hobbits, typically between two and four feet tall and nothing like your usual ‘hero’, accomplish great feats and amazing acts of courage. It is in […]
Stretch your legs and breath some fresh, outdoor air for Take A Walk In The Park Day! Why not visit a local park, have a picnic and stroll by the river?More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/take-a-walk-in-the-park-day/
Join us on July 13th as we celebrate Barbershop Music Appreciation Day! Immerse yourself in the harmonious melodies and nostalgic tunes of barbershop music, and rediscover the joy of a cappella singing. Whether you're a seasoned fan or new to the genre, this day is dedicated to honoring the rich history and unique style of barbershop music. Stay tuned for special events, performances, and opportunities to connect with fellow enthusiasts. Let's harmonize and celebrate the beauty of barbershop music together on July 13th!
Surprisingly, Have A Bad Day Day wasn’t created to recognise that everyone has a bad day. Instead it was created for people who work in a customer service environment and are sick of saying “have a nice day”, and those who are equally sick of hearing it.In the nicest possible way, wish everyone a bad […]