Read In The Bathtub Day

A day for relaxing in style, Read In The Bathtub Day gives you the opportunity to have a guilt-free early, relaxing night with no pressures.

Disconnect the phone, lock the door, turn down the lights and pick out your favourite book safe in the knowledge that all you’ve got to worry about is enjoying yourself. Why not splash out on some scented candles, posh bubblebath and – for the more adventurous – a rubber ducky to keep you company?

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Pie Day
Everybody loves pie, arguably one of the greatest and most versatile food structures known to mankind. Sweet, savoury, filled with gravy or sauce, pies come in all shapes, sizes and flavours. Why not celebrate this Pie Day by making a pie from scratch, using your favourite fillings?More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at […]
half moon on dark sky
Second Half of the Year Day
"Second Half of the Year Day," observed on July 1, marks the midpoint of the calendar year. It's a time for reflection, renewal, and setting new goals. This day encourages individuals to review their achievements and challenges from the first half of the year and to make plans for the remaining six months. Embrace this unique opportunity to reset your intentions, celebrate your progress, and look forward to what lies ahead with renewed motivation and purpose.
Draw a Picture of a Bird Day
There's no need to be a professional artist to participate in Draw a Picture of a Bird Day! This holiday is all about having fun and enjoying the process of drawing, regardless of your level of skill. So why not take some time on November 18th to sit down with some paper and pencils (or […]
Lame Duck Day
Lame Duck Day has nothing to do with injured animals; rather, itâ??s about giving some support and recognition to people who are on their way out â?? last termâ??s political leaders, people whoâ??ve been promoted or are moving away, and anybody whoâ??s ineffective in their current position because their time is up.More Details...All details taken […]