Laugh And Get Rich Day

All of your resolutions for the new year pale into insignificance next to Laugh And Get Rich Day. Well, crack on then – what are you waiting for?

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Everything You Think is Wrong Day
Date When Celebrated : Always March 15th Everything You Think is Wrong Day is a day when nothing goes right. Have you ever had a day like that...... a day when nothing was going right? Yeah, me too! Well, today is a special day in recognition that everyone has a bad day once in a […]
Laugh And Get Rich Day
All of your resolutions for the new year pale into insignificance next to Laugh And Get Rich Day. Well, crack on then – what are you waiting for?More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Card Playing Day
Card Playing Day falls a few days after Christmas, when everybody needs a bit of a break and a wind-down. What better way to relax and spend some time with family and friends than by playing a game of cards?More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Feast of the Ass
The Feast of the Ass (Latin: Festum Asinorum or asinaria festa, French: Fête de l'âne) was a medieval, Christian feast observed on January 14, celebrating the Flight into Egypt. It was celebrated primarily in France, as a by-product of the Feast of Fools celebrating the donkey-related stories in the Bible, in particular the donkey bearing […]