Laugh And Get Rich Day

All of your resolutions for the new year pale into insignificance next to Laugh And Get Rich Day. Well, crack on then – what are you waiting for?

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National Workplace Napping Day
Eat your lunch, then tuck-in for a nice afternoon nap
Learn To Swim Day
Learn to Swim Day is a day to mark in your diary if you are keen for yourself or your child to learn to swim or to improve on existing skills. It was first celebrated in 2012, by ‘Swimways’ and the day has helped to raise public awareness about the importance of swimming.Swimming is an […]
Tooth Fairy Day
When : Always February 28th and/or August 22 National Tooth Fairy Day celebrates one of childhood's favorite visitors. The Tooth Fairy is an American tradition with European and superstitious roots. Losing baby teeth is a sometimes traumatic experience for young children. Enter the world of the friendly, smiling and soothing Tooth Fairy. As a young […]
Spanish Paella Day
Paella is a traditional Spanish dish, made with rice, meat or fish, and a delicious sauce. Whilst many countries and regions have their own recipes and variations, the best paellas are made in Spain, on the beach, with fresh seafood.Still, that’s no excuse not to make your own, and to join in the celebration. Enjoy […]

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