Wave All Your Fingers at Your Neighbor Day

At first glance, Wave All Your Fingers At Your Neighbors Day might appear to be an incitement to approach people that live in your vicinity and, literally, wave your fingers in their faces in an annoying and potentially dangerous manner. Do not be tempted to do this, however, as this is not, apparently, the aim.

It’s more about building bridges than destroying them. Instead of greeting your neighbors with a cursory nod as you usually do, on this particular day you should give them a cheery wave. Not just any old cheery wave though; a wave that involves all your fingers.

Pianists have an unfair advantage because they have undergone special training. Anyone can do it though. So come on, try it now. Pretend you!re playing the piano, but the keyboard is tipped towards you at 90 degrees and is somewhere to the right of your head. Raise your right hand, and play something tinkly. You’ve got it!

More Details...
All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/wave-all-your-fingers-at-your-neighbors-day/

gray car on a drive thru
Drive-Thru Day
**Drive-Thru Day** on **July 24** celebrates the convenience and efficiency of drive-thru services that have become a staple in modern life. From grabbing a quick meal on the go to picking up prescriptions without leaving your car, drive-thrus simplify our daily routines. This day recognizes the innovation and convenience they bring, highlighting their role in shaping how we access goods and services in today's fast-paced world.
National Puppy Day
One day to rule them all. Itâ??s the true start of spring, melting your heart quicker than the sun has been able to melt the snow. Launch the gallery to begin this deluge of cuteness, and check out National Puppy Day info.
Harry Houdini Day
Spend some time and learn a magic trick today.
Cartoonists Day
Cartoonists Day celebrates the anniversary of the publishing of the first ever colour cartoon, The Yellow Kid in 1895. Now cartoons are a core component of many newspapers, publications and printed media, and have had (and continue to have) a huge impact on our culture.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/cartoonists-day/