World Play Your Ukulele Day

Each year Play Your Ukulele Day gives you a chance to ‘change the world four strings at a time’ by playing your ukulele, sharing it, and teaching others to play. That is, presuming that you own one…

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photo of people wearing medieval costumes posing with a guillotine
Beheading Day
September 2nd is observed as Beheading Day, a date that brings attention to the historical practice of beheading and its implications. While the day is not widely celebrated, it provides an opportunity to reflect on the history of capital punishment, the evolution of justice systems, and the broader implications of such practices. In this blog post, we will explore the origins of Beheading Day, delve into the historical use of beheading as a method of execution, and discuss the broader context and impact of this practice.
woman standing in bus
Embrace Sustainable Commuting: Celebrate Dump The Pump Day on June 20th!
Dump The Pump Day, observed on June 20th, promotes the use of public transportation as an alternative to driving. This initiative aims to reduce traffic congestion, lower carbon emissions, and save money on fuel costs by encouraging individuals to leave their cars at home and opt for buses, trains, or carpools instead.
Chocolate-Covered Cashew Truffle Day
Not a true nut, a cashew is actually a seed from the cashew apple — each fruit has only one seed. Source:
Pretzel Day
It’s generally believed that the humble pretzel is the oldest of all snack foods, with documented consumption of pretzels dating back as far as the 7th century AD, where French monks baked salted dough strips shaped like the arms of children in prayer.Whether you like yours sweet, salty, covered in chocolate, or flavored with herbs and spices, Pretzel […]

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