Robinson Crusoe Day

Pretend you are stranded on an island today

stressed professional woman
Work-a-Holic Day
Join us on July 5 for 'Workaholic Day' - a day dedicated to celebrating hard work, dedication, and passion for what you do. Take a moment to recognize and appreciate the efforts you put into your work every day. Whether you're an entrepreneur, freelancer, or part of a team, this day is for you. Treat yourself to a well-deserved break or reward yourself for your achievements. Let's raise a toast to all the workaholics out there who make things happen!
Pet Owners Independence Day
Fed up of going out to work every day to earn a crust, while your dog, cat, rabbit or budgie lounges around the house? Well, Pet Owners Independence Day aims to change all that. The idea of this wacky holiday is that we owners get a turn at lying on the carpet, while our fluffy […]
May Ray Day
Weather permitting, May Ray Day is an excuse to get outside and enjoy the sunshine. Find ways to soak up some rays (assuming that it’s not raining) by inviting friends for BBQs, having picnics in the park, or taking a trip to the sea-side!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Goddess of Fertility Day
Date When Celebrated : Always March 18th Goddess of Fertility Day is today. It celebrates Aphrodite and other gods and goddesses of fertility. In ancient times, many cultures had multiple gods and goddesses. Each one represented various aspects of life. The ancient Greek goddess Aphrodite was by far the most well known goddess of fertility. […]