
Backward Day

Shake up the day-to-day humdrum with Backward Day! Try walking backwards, talking backwards, and doing everything the wrong way round.
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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/backward-day/

Hug A Plumber Day
Most of us take plumbing for granted – running water, hot water on demand, and the complex systems of piping that keep things ticking over for us in the background are easy to forget about it. Hug A Plumber Day encourages us to recognize the ingenuity, hard work and skills of plumbers everywhere – because who […]
Zucchini Bread Day
Inventive cooks have long incorporated this squash in the darnedest of dishes, including always-delicious sweet and savory breads. Source: food.com
Pig in a Blanket Day
Pig In A Blanket Day encourages the consumption of ‘pigs in blankets’ – small pork sausages (or chipolatas) wrapped in bacon or pastry, and cooked until crispy. Chinese and eastern varieties more closely resemble mini sausage rolls.For an alternative approach to celebrating Pig In A Blanket Day, you might consider wrapping your farm animals in […]
Oatmeal Nut Waffle Day
It’s hard to imagine a heartier — or more oddly specific! — breakfast treat than oatmeal nut waffles. But we’ll try with a collection of our favorite morning rib-stickers. Source: food.com

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