Rattle Snake Round-Up Day

Breakout the whacking sticks and round-up all those Rattlers

Chocolate Souffle Day
Though cheese soufflés may be better known, everyone with a sweet tooth will prefer a chocolate soufflé instead! The recipe for soufflé is thought to originate in La Cusinier Moderne, by Vincent La Chappell, published as long ago as 1742. A soufflé is a type of cake made from a custard base and egg whites […]
Coconut Torte Day
Seems only 51 weeks ago we were last celebrating Coconut Torte Day with a delicious, moist, coconutty coconut torte. But no, apparently it’s been a whole year! Thank goodness it’s rolled around again so soon. What could be more exciting than the smell of a cake in the oven?Not just any cake either. This will […]
National Freedom Day
National Freedom Day, always celebrated on February 1st, celebrates freedom from slavery.  It also recognizes that America is a symbol for freedom.  It honors the signing by Abraham Lincoln of a joint House and Senate resolution that later became the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution   President Lincoln signed the Amendment outlawing slavery on February 1, […]
Organize Your Home Day
We all find it difficult to keep our homes tidy and organised, and its oh so easy to keep putting off tasks that always seem to require too much effort and time than we care to dedicate to them.Enter Organise Your Home Day, the perfect chance to quit making excuses for one day, get down […]