Opposite Day

Don’t celebrate Opposite Day by not doing everything the right way around. Behave exactly as you wouldn’t on a normal day, and undertake tasks in a straight-forward, back-to-front manner.

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/opposite-day/

Golf Day
Its time to pull those clubs out of storage, dust them off, and get ready to hit the green again! That’s right, it’s Golf Day! Heralding the beginning of the more Golfer friendly part of the year, Golfers Day’s origin is shrouded in the myth and legend of this particular sport. Some people say its […]
athletes running on track and field oval in grayscale photography
Running Day
Running Day, observed on June 3rd, celebrates the joy of running and its many benefits. Whether it's for fitness, stress relief, or simply the love of movement, this day encourages people of all ages to lace up their sneakers and hit the pavement.
Steak and BJ day
Rumps and Romps. Fillets and Fellatio. Sirloins and Sucking. Some say it was invented by the Romans in 269AD, and institutionalized through St Valentine’s cousin, Claudius Fellatio. Others suggest that when World War II ended in 1945, president Harry S. Truman had the FBI covertly spread the word to act as a “welcome home” for […]
National Frappe Day
Celebrate National Frappe Day at your local ice cream or coffee shop for specials on this day by giving yourself a cold espresso fix! About the Frappe: National Frappe Day is celebrated every year in honor of this delicious drink that has become a mainstay in the U.S. Dating back, the frappe drink originated in […]