Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day

There’s nothing quite as fun as popping bubble wrap bubbles. Whether you’re unpacking a parcel, playing virtual bubble wrap games online, or have gone out to buy bubble wrap especially, Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day is the day to indulge and get popping!

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/bubble-wrap-appreciation-day/

Flashlight Day
Date When Celebrated : Always December 21 Don't be left in the dark on National Flashlight Day. The basic requirement  for this day, is a flashlight and good batteries. Flick the switch, and you can put anything into your spotlight. We'd like to shed a little light on this special day. National Flashlight Day arrives […]
Tortilla Chip Day
Tortilla Chip Day is best celebrated on a comfy sofa and a favourite film with a selection of tasty dips! Why not go all out and add some cheese into the mix, grilling or melting it on top to form a stringy, tasty tortilla chip maze!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/tortilla-chip-day/
Play-Doh Day
When : September 16th National Play-Doh Day celebrates a great childhood play toy. Invented in the mid 1950s, it has entertained millions of children, and allowed them to express their creativity, both at home and in the classroom. The invention was simple. A school teacher wanted a safe modeling clay for her pre-schoolers. She asked […]
Odometer Day
The odometer; the history of your car is recorded in this little counter. All those journeys you’ve taken for leisure, for pleasure, alone or with friends. Odometer Day celebrates the invention of the odometer which was invented by William Clayton in 1847.You probably take your odometer for granted, or sometimes curse the high number it […]