Peanut Butter Day

Who doesn’t love peanut butter? So let’s celebrate Peanut Butter Day. This auspicious occasion was created many years ago, to allow peanut butter lovers to celebrate the creation of this wonderful food.

Peanut butter can be eaten and used in many different recipes. I see nothing wrong in sitting down and indulging in a jar of the creamy or crunchy delight with a spoon. What more do you need?

Families and friends can celebrate Peanut Butter Day by getting together and creating delicious recipes containing peanut butter, from cookies and cakes to sautes and sauces. These can of course be consumed at home, or some prefer to make a day of it and go on a picnic style outing. There are many individuals that eat nothing but peanut butter on Peanut Butter Day.

There are even schools that will only serve peanut butter sandwiches to their students on this festive day. What better sandwich is there in the world?

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