Cheese Lovers Day

For some cheese gourmets, the word ‘love’ simply doesn’t go far enough. The time is ripe to unite in praise…

Not everyone can match the fans of the Green Bay Packers football team in Wisconsin, USA, whose yellow, wedge-shaped hats are the ultimate in cheesy headgear. But Cheese Lovers Day is a true moment of celebration. What better time to honour the craft, patience and pleasure in one of our finest creations?

Tastings, cheese rolling, special restaurant menus, costume parties and giant fondues have all been features of the day. If you’re planning your own event, you may find that dairies and shops need only a little persuasion to get involved. What’s more, few foods have such a well-loved place in our language. So invite the most important people you know and put on your ‘guilty pleasures’ playlist – just remember to take lots of photos…

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