Play around of basketball today, possibly at midnight
World Lupus Day
World Lupus Day aims to raise awareness of a disease that is little known, but can have devastating effects on sufferers and their families. Lupis is a chronic disease that causes the immune system to become overactive, creating antibodies that attack healthy tissue. Lupus can cause pain, inflammation and damage in any part of the […]
August 24 is Waffle Day, a delicious celebration dedicated to one of breakfast’s most beloved treats. This day invites waffle enthusiasts to indulge in golden, crispy waffles topped with an array of delights, from classic maple syrup and fresh fruit to creative combinations like bacon and eggs or whipped cream and chocolate. Whether you’re a fan of traditional Belgian waffles or enjoy experimenting with new recipes, Waffle Day is the perfect occasion to savor the comfort and joy of this versatile dish. So, fire up your waffle iron and get ready to celebrate with a stack of your favorite waffles!
Find a sunny, public open place, and join in with Kite Flying Day! Take a picnic to the park and get competitive, seeing who can fly the highest, the fastest, and the most intricately!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
â??Well hooooooo-wee! Ah reckon weâ??ve found ourselves some bona fide golden nuggets right here in this olâ?? mound oâ?? grit! Yessiree, Mommaâ??s gonna be marty proud when she discovâ??rs we can afford fresh beans â??nâ?? biscuits for the winnertarm, anâ?? thereâ??s gonna be three more weeks uvvit if mah old aching knee is tâ??be rckoned […]