Appreciate A Dragon Day

The dragon is a powerful symbol in mythology all over the world, from Europe to Asia and beyond. Appreciate A Dragon Day encourages you to explore the cultural significance of the dragon in your society and history!

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Golf Day
Its time to pull those clubs out of storage, dust them off, and get ready to hit the green again! That’s right, it’s Golf Day! Heralding the beginning of the more Golfer friendly part of the year, Golfers Day’s origin is shrouded in the myth and legend of this particular sport. Some people say its […]
Physician’s Assistant Day
When : Always October 6th National Physician's Assistant Day celebrates and recognizes the importance and skills of this career. The highly trained Physician's Assistant is an invaluable aide to physicians and general practitioners.   The profession of Physician's Assistant was created in 1965 by Dr. Eugene Stead at Duke Medical Center. The first physician assistants […]
Kazoo Day
Date When Celebrated: Always January 28th People young and old love Kazoos. Kazoo Day celebrates the the joy of this musical instrument. Alabama Vest of Macon Georgia made the first Kazoo in the 1840's. Actually, he conceived the Kazoo, and had Thaddeus Von Clegg, a German clockmaster make it to his specifications.  Commercial production of […]
man wearing watch with hand on pocket
Seersucker Thursday
Seersucker Thursday - June 18 Celebrating the classic summer fabric and style! Facts About Seersucker Thursday Seersucker Thursday is an annual tradition celebrated on June 18th. It's a day dedicated to embracing the timeless charm and comfort of seersucker fabric in clothing. The History of Seersucker Thursday Seersucker Thursday originated as a way to beat […]