Organize Your Home Day

We all find it difficult to keep our homes tidy and organised, and its oh so easy to keep putting off tasks that always seem to require too much effort and time than we care to dedicate to them.

Enter Organise Your Home Day, the perfect chance to quit making excuses for one day, get down to business and get your home back into shape! Put everything else aside for a few hours and get to task on all those little niggling things and DIY jobs that have been begging to be finished for months now. Get your friends and family involved and help each other out to get everything done quicker and make the day more fun. You will be surprised how much you can get done, and how much difference giving your home a little TLC can make to your life.

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Beaver Day
The beaver may be the national animal of Canada but the furry dam-building rodent can be found across the North American continent and Eurasia as two distinct species, but the population has been on the decline for several decades now. InternationalBeaver Day aims to celebrate and raise awareness of the plight of the rodent. Beavers […]
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Escape Day
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Eight Track Tape Day
When : Always April 11th Eight Track Tape Day brings back fond memories of the sixties and seventies. During this era, eight track tapes ruled the music world. America's love of the automobile, was a driving force in creating the demand for musical cassette formats. For those who grew up in this era, an eight […]

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