Rubber Duckie Day

Start running the bath, it’s Rubber Duckie Day! Celebrate by taking a rubber duck (or taking a whole load of rubber ducks) in the bath and acting out small, theatrical scenes of your choosing. Why not try Macbeth, or your favourite opera?

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One-Hit Wonder Day
It’s what we’ve all been waiting for, a day to celebrate every artist who has conspired to give us one massively successful song….and the grand total of nothing since. One-Hit Wonder Day was established by music journalist Steve Rosen back in 1990 to pay tribute to those who have had their five minutes (or less) […]
Melba Toast Day
Melba Toast Day offers a different slant on the sandwich or snack. Why not get creative and substitute normal bread for Melba toast at lunch time?More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
man performing stunt on motorcycle
Dare Day
On June 1st, we celebrate Dare Day, a playful holiday that encourages us to step out of our comfort zones and embrace new challenges. Whether it's trying a new activity, conquering a fear, or pursuing a lifelong dream, Dare Day invites us to push the boundaries of what we thought possible and embrace the spirit of adventure.
Calendar of Bizarre American Holidays