World Literacy Day

For the sake of the world, read today

International Safety Pin Day
Celebrate simplicity and practicality this Safety Pin Day. Legend has it that, in 1849, Walter Hunt, the inventor of the safety pin, owed a friend $15 and decided to invent something new in order to earn the money to repay him. He invented the safety pin.Strong and sharp, yet safe enough to be used on […]
Oatmeal Cookie Day
Although no record seems to exist regarding the origins of Oatmeal Cookie Day, the Internet is filled with evidence that it is a genuine celebration of what is considered to be the healthiest cookie of all.Oatcakes have been relied on to deliver quick boosts of energy since the middle ages and though recipes are today […]
Neither Rain Nor Snow Day
When : September 7th Right now, we bet you're thinking ''this special day is about a tranquil weather day with neither rain nor snow''  ....wrong. Here's the real scoop on this special day: Neither Rain Nor Snow Day celebrates the opening of the New York Post Office building on this day in 1914. This following […]
Repeal Day
Date When Celebrated : Always December 5th Repeal Day is today. It commemorates the repeal of the 18th Amendment.  Once more, Americans were free to buy, sell, and consume alcoholic beverages. I'll drink to that! In the early 1900's, many of the good people of America believed that alcohol was the root cause of many […]