English Toffee Day

This form of caramel has a pleasant crumbly snap and marries well with nuts and chocolate. Enjoy it plain or infuse baked goods with shots of its buttery goodness.

    Nut Day
    When : Always October 22and National Nut Day is today. It's a little kooky and crazy if you ask me. One can go a little bit batty contemplating the meaning of this day. Our research came up empty on information about this day. So, we can't be certain as to the meaning of this very […]
    Authors’ Day
    Celebrate literature in all its forms on Authors’ Day, and show your appreciation for the incredibly hard work put in by the authors behind your favourite writings.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/authors-day/
    Beaver Day
    The beaver may be the national animal of Canada but the furry dam-building rodent can be found across the North American continent and Eurasia as two distinct species, but the population has been on the decline for several decades now. InternationalBeaver Day aims to celebrate and raise awareness of the plight of the rodent. Beavers […]
    Human Rights Day
    Annually on December 10, Human Rights Day is celebrated across the world. This date honors the December 10, 1948  United Nations, General Assemblyâ??s adoption and proclamation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; the first global enunciation of human rights and one of the first major achievements of the new United Nations.  It was on […]

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