Earth’s Rotation Day

Ever feel like you’re just spinning around and around? Don’t worry – we all are, all the time! Earth’s Rotation Day is a little reminder that we’re all spinning out of control, and there’s nothing that we can do about it.

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Helicopter Day
Title: Soar to New Heights: Celebrating Helicopter Day on May 30th [block] Helicopter Day is a celebration of one of the most versatile and fascinating inventions of modern times. Join us as we take flight into the history, innovation, and sheer wonder of helicopters. [block] ### The History of Helicopter Day Helicopter Day commemorates the […]
Genealogy Day
Take some time out and remember your ancestors
False Confession Day
When : Always November 21st False Confession Day is today. I bet you have been waiting  for today, in eager anticipation. For some unknown, yet wacky reason, the creator of this day, thought it would be fun to encourage false confessions. Did you do it or not? If you did, mum's the word today. But, […]
Pumpkin Cheesecake Day
When : Always October 21st National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day celebrates a delicious Fall dessert. In October, pumpkins are literally glowing. So, why not put two of your favorites together.....pumpkins and cheesecake!? They make a great dessert. They are both nutritious and healthy. Its easy to enjoy this special day. Go to a cheesecake store or […]