Earth’s Rotation Day

Ever feel like you’re just spinning around and around? Don’t worry – we all are, all the time! Earth’s Rotation Day is a little reminder that we’re all spinning out of control, and there’s nothing that we can do about it.

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First Foot Day
The custom of firstfooting, or being the first to cross the threshold of a home in the early hours of New Year's Day, was so popular in England and Scotland during the 19th century that the streets were often more crowded between midnight and one o'clock in the morning than they would normally be at […]
Black Friday
Black Friday is the Friday following Thanksgiving Day in the United States (the fourth Thursday of November). Since the early 2000s, it has been regarded as the beginning of the Christmas shopping season in the US, and most major retailers open very early and offer promotional sales. Black Friday is not a public holiday, but […]
Computer Security Day
Security is an important consideration when working with computers, the Internet or indeed any electronic devices. Use Computer Security Day to ensure that your passwords are regularly updated, that your personal information is safe and secure, and that your systems are protected.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Lei Day
The most common festivities on Lei Day are hula, lei making demonstrations and contests, and the crowning of the Lei Queen and her court. What better way to celebrate Lei Day than by booking a trip to one of Hawaii’s many resorts!Each island has its own Lei, traditional to each made with flowers, fruit and vines […]

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