May 31st, 2021

Save Your Hearing Day

When: Always on May 31st

Save Your Hearing Day reminds us that our hearing is vital, and needs to be protected.

Many hearing loss problems are avoidable. Hearing loss can result from a variety of reasons, including: health, genetic and environmental causes. On the environmental side, repeated long term exposure to loud, high decibel noises can overtime cause hearing loss. This cause, in particular, is often avoidable.

Use Save Your Hearing Day as an opportunity to learn what you can do to avoid hearing loss to yourself, and your family. Then, practice it.

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Macaroon Day

Macaroons are flourless, often almond-based light cakes, made with whipped egg-whites and sugar (sometimes also with coconut, potato starch or nuts), and date back to a 9th century Italian monastery. Enjoy Macaroon Day by making your own macaroons from scratch – try adding cinnamon, ginger, hazelnuts or chocolate!

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Speak in Complete Sentences Day

Avoid contractions and elliptical sentences today


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